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How to apply

For the mobility to be formally considered and recognized by U.Porto/FEUP, either studies or internship/placement, a student must previously accomplish all our application procedures and deadlines.

We alert that a nomination and/or the submission of an application does not ensure, for itself, the student acceptance for mobility! Applicants should not purchase travel, rent accommodation or travel to Porto without first being formally accepted. The approval of a mobility application is formally recognized through the sending, to the student, of the Letter of Acceptance issued by the U.Porto Rectorate.

All applications to U.Porto/FEUP must be submitted online. Therefore, unless specifically requested, no documents should be sent to us by post or e-mail.

The first step you should take is to contact the International Relations Office of your Home University. Each University has its own internal process to select students for partner institutions. If your University assigns our Faculty as your mobility Host Institution, you need to formalize your application.

PLEASE BE AWARE that, if a student intends to apply under the Erasmus+ program, at the time the internal selection process that is carried out in the Home School, the School must take into account the bilateral agreement(s) in force with our Faculty, and FEUP's Courses, number of vacancies and duration of mobility’s that the agreement(s) cover! 

Vacancies and Deadlines

Institutions with a specific bilateral agreement with FEUP (eg: Erasmus; SMILE), must take into acount FEUP's Programmes, its vacancies and mobility periods expressed in that bilateral agreement.

Institutions without a specific bilateral agreement with FEUP should contact FEUP's Cooperation Unit (incoming@fe.up.pt) to confirm if and how applications/students mobilities may be possible for FEUP.

The deadlines may change each academic year.

For the academic year 2024/2025, the deadlines are

Mobility for Studies

Full Academic year – between 1 of April and 21 of May
(results announced by UP’s Rectorate from July forward)
1st semester - between 1 of April and 21 of May
(results announced from UP’s Rectorate from July forward)
2nd semester – between 1 of September and 15 of October 
(results announced by UP’s Rectorate from December forward)

Please note that applications for 2024/2025 can only be submitted in U.Porto online system from 1 of April on.

Mobility for Internship/Placement

2 months before the starting date
(eg: If the internship/placement is planned to start on the 1st of September, the application must be fully submitted (upload included) until the 1st of July).

PLEASE NOTE that in order to perform a mobility period at U.Porto/FEUP, either studies or internship/placement, a student must first formalize an online application and receive an Acceptance Letter (see Application Procedures topic).

A student applying for mobility should be aware that there is no possibility of granting any type of financial support by FEUP and/or the U.Porto.

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Application procedures 

No mobility at FEUP will be formally considered without previous completion of the following procedures:

A student selected by his/her Home Institution have to register at U.Porto Online application page in order to get a username and password needed to create an Application Form. The system will, automatically, send an e-mail to the registered student containing the username and password.

We strongly advise any student interested in undertaking a mobility period at the U.Porto/FEUP to read the Online Application Guide (available in the Application Form page).

For a more effective and easier way to fill in the Application Form, we strongly recommend the student to organize first all the information and personal documents with the responsible for the mobility at the Home Institution. Once the online application form is fully completed, it must be submitted by the student. After submitting the application, the student must print the PDF file of the Application Form, sign it and collect the signature(s) and stamp(s) of the Home Institution Responsible(s) Person(s) for the Mobility.

Please note that an application is only finished after the upload of all mandatory documents is made.

To conclude the application, the student must make the upload of the following mandatory documents in ONE single file:

  1. UP Application Form (includes the initial learning agreement/study plan proposal) filled out in English, duly signed by the student and signed/stamped by the Home Institution;
  2. Transcript of Records (it’s an official certificate from the Home University, in English, with the courses and respective grades obtained by the student up to the moment of the application);
  3. Copy of legal personal ID card or Passport with photo
  4. European Health Insurance Card and/or Private Health Insurance
  5. Other documents (optional): CV, Motivation/ Recommendation Letters.

NOTE: For an internship/placement application, the CV (Curriculum Vitae) is a mandatory document! In the UP Application Form, section referred to the Professor Responsible for the Mobility at the Host Institution, the name and contacts of the Supervisor at FEUP must be indicated!


Without the upload of the PDF file with all the mandatory documents, an application is not considered complete and will be automatically rejected in the system.

Any application must be submit until the correspondent deadline otherwise, it will not be analyzed and will be rejected in the system (see Application Deadlines topic).

Once all the stages are concluded, the application is considered completed and will be processed by FEUP. The Learning Agreement proposal will be analyzed by a FEUP Mobility Coordinator for each mentioned engineering area (see the contact list below). It may take at least one month to reach a final decision on any individual application, counting from the date it is submitted in the online system (upload included).

As soon as the application has been approved by the Faculty of Engineering, it will be validated by the Central International Office of the University of Porto – UP’s Rectorate, which will send the student an Acceptance Letter + Approved Learning Agreement, together with other relevant information.

List of FEUP Mobility Coordinators/Responsibles from 1st cycle and 2nd cycle Programmes here

For other FEUP Programmes you may contact the correspondent Director, pointed out in each Programme page.

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Study periods at FEUP

IMPORTANT: a student can only make mobility at FEUP under a cooperation agreement for a maximum of two semesters (consecutive or not). A mobility at FEUP beyond two semesters will have to be carried out as a visiting student - freemover, subject to the payment of fees.

The academic year in Portugal starts in September and ends in July; the 1st semester goes from September to February and the 2nd semester goes from February to the beginning of July. As a reference you can check our current Academic Calendar here 

If a student intends to perform a mobility at FEUP during the whole academic year (both semesters), on page 2 of the online application form (Study Period at the University – Period of classes), must choose Yearly and the dates will appear automatically.

If a student intends to perform a mobility at FEUP during the 1st semester (winter semester), on page 2 of the online application form (Study Period at the University – Period of classes), must choose 1st semester and the dates will automatically appear.

If a student intends to perform a mobility at FEUP during the 2nd semester (spring semester), on page 2 of the online application form (Study Period at the University – Period of classes), must choose 2nd semester and the dates will appear automatically.
The students applying for a 2nd semester mobility can only propose and attend unit courses identified for that semester. Annual or 1st semester unit courses cannot be considered.

If a student intends to perform a mobility at FEUP during a specific period that not corresponds to the dates of the predefined semesters, on page 2 of the online application form (Study Period at the University – Period of classes), must choose Other Period and the corresponding dates of Start and Conclusion.

Extension of study period

Only students who are attending the 1st semester and wish to stay for the 2nd semester can formalize a request to extend the study period. This procedure does not apply to students who are already registered for the whole academic year. Students who are performing a mobility only during the 2nd semester cannot propose an extension, since they are already attending the 2nd/last part of the academic year.

IMPORTANT: a student can only make mobility at FEUP under a cooperation agreement for a maximum of two semesters (consecutive or not). 

Requirements to formalize the procedure:

  • First of all, the student should get the formal agreement of the teacher/coordinator responsible for mobility programs at the Home Institution;
  • Having obtained that agreement, the student must then formalize the request by submitting in U.Porto Online Application Page the following changes to the current Learning Agreement:

-- Type of change: Extension of the studies period

-- Period of classes: Yearly

-- Then had the study plan proposal for the 2nd semester (please consult the Online User Guide in order to remember how to add disciplines)

-- Then save, print/download the PDF. Changes form, sign it and send it to the Home Institution, for signature(s) and stamp(s).

Deadline to formalize the extension request:

The proposal to extend the study period must be submitted in the U.Porto Online system and the correspondent PDF Form, signed by the student and also signed and stamped by the Home Institution, must be sent to FEUP’s Cooperation Unit  (incoming@fe.up.pt) between the 1st and 15th of November.

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Learning agreements

According to the student studies cycle and the type of mobility he/she intends to perform at FEUP, please consider the following information:

Learning Agreement for studies mobility (1st or 2nd cycle students)

The student must be sure that chooses only the subjects that will be available in the semester corresponding to the proposed study period. When planning the learning agreement proposal, the student must choose only the courses that he/she realistically intend to attend and complete, so as to avoid further unnecessary changes to the agreement. At least 60% of the global amount of ECTS credits must belong to FEUP's Main Programme covered by the inter-institutional agreement, correspondent to the student Main Programme in the Home School. 

The student should also bear in mind that a semester corresponds to 30 ECTS and a whole year of studies to 60 ECTS. The maximum workload allowed for all students at FEUP is 37,5 ECTS per semester, and the recommended workload for mobility students is 20–30 ECTS per semester, 20 ECTS being the minimum required.

FEUP academic offer may be checked in this webiste (Programmes topic, on the homepage bar menu). The student can click on each unit course/subject for relevant information about lectures and the language in which they are given, subject programmes, number of theoretical and practical classes, etc. Please note that the information displayed is subject to possible changes and updates.

Please also note:

- Timetables for each subject will be only available at the beginning of each semester.

 - We can only accept/approve a Learning Agreement that indicates unit courses/subjects present in our official course programmes, approved by the Portuguese Ministry of Higher Education. So, for instance, if the student intends to undertake final project/diploma work at our Faculty during your ERASMUS exchange, he/she should consult the Programmes to check the official name/title and course unit/subject code.

- The Unit Course 'Projeto FEUP' is not available for mobility students; some Programmes unit  courses are not available for mobility students and/or for Visiting Students - Freemovers; MPRINCE, MBUILD, MGMU and MESTEC Programmes are not available for mobility students.

- FEUP's Engineering and Industrial Managemens Programmes (M.EGI/L.EGI) only accept students nominations/mobilities from Institutions with a direct Partnershp with those Programmes.

- The teaching language is decided by the teacher of the subject and may vary from one academic year to another, so the best thing to do is check the information page of the subjects the student is interested in attending as a reference and always considering that for each academic yearit may change. When it says “Portuguese – suitable for English-speaking students” it means that the classes are taught in Portuguese, but there are study materials in English and they can do their evaluation work in English also.
Also note that, some teachers may allow students to write assignments and take exams in other languages, namely in English, but this situation can only be agreed upon arrival in each individual case.

Each academic year we provide applicant students with a List of the predicted academic offer. After your formal nomination for FEUP from your Home School side, you may request FEUP's Cooperation Unit (incoming@fe.up.pt) for the available list, in each one of our available bachelor and master degrees. The list may always suffer changes in case of need.

- The study programmes of our official course programmes may undergo changes before the start of the academic year (1º semester in September/2nd semester in February). The Learning Agreements approved by our Faculty may, therefore, be subject to adjustments and changes upon the student's arrival at FEUP. We also safeguard that the more diversified a Learning Agreement is (in Courses and/or in curricular years), the greater is the probability of occurring overlapping of schedules that involves possible changes and/or adjustments.

Learning Agreement for Master’s Thesis students

If you choose to write your whole Master's thesis at FEUP and get an evaluation and ECTS credits for it, you will not be allowed to register for any other course subjects since the Master's thesis course unit requires full-time attendance. Please note that not all FEUP’s Master Programmes open this unit course for incoming mobility students. Furthermore, certain mandatory procedures apply, such as that students must submit a written Master’s thesis and be prepared to defend it before a panel of referees at FEUP, who will assess the work and assign a grade to it. To apply under these terms, please choose "Programme Erasmus+ Studies" on the first page of the online application form. On page 5 of the application form, choose the specific Master's thesis course unit that you would like to enroll in.

If you choose to partially develop and write your Master's thesis at FEUP but defend and get the credits for it only at your Home Institution, you should not enroll in any course units at FEUP; no grade or ECTS credits will be given by FEUP. Instead, you should contact your potential FEUP’s Supervisor beforehand and agree on the specific work programme to be followed. Then, to formalize the mobility period under these terms, you should choose the option "Programme Erasmus+ Placements" on the first page of the online application. On page 5 of the application form, you must indicate the name of your Supervisor at FEUP and provide a brief outline of your planned thesis work in the "Work programme" field.

Learning Agreement for Internship/Placement Mobility

If you are going to undertake an ERASMUS mobility period, you should choose the option "Programme Erasmus+ Placements" on the first page of the online application. On page 5 of the application form, indicate the name of your supervisor at FEUP and add a short summary of your planned work programme in the "Work programme" field.

PLEASE NOTE that if you perform an Internship/Placement Mobility, no grade or ECTS credits will be given by FEUP. An Assessment Report can be provided by FEUP's Supervisor.

Learning Agreement for PhD Students

If you are a PhD student and want to complete a part of your PhD thesis at our faculty, you should choose the option "Programme Erasmus+ Placements" on the first page of the online application. On page 5 of the application form, you must indicate the name of your Supervisor at FEUP and provide a brief outline of your planned dissertation work in the "Work programme" field.

PLEASE NOTE that if you are a Post-Doctoral Researcher intending to spend a period at FEUP not as a mobility student, then you should, with the help of your FEUP Supervisor, contact the Human Resources Division for your registration at FEUP.

PLEASE NOTE that neither our Faculty nor the University of Porto will provide any kind of financial support to incoming mobility students.

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Free Mover students

A free mover student has to pay a fee, reviewed each academic year, corresponding to 1/5 of the fee in force (EU student and International Student: CPLP and other - full-time), per unit course, except Master's thesis course unit, which a free mover student cannot complete at FEUP. The more units courses a student selects, the higher the overall fee will be.

Should a student wish to complete a free mover period without enrolling in any course units, for example, an internship with free mover status, or completion of the thesis at FEUP (but defending it at the Home Institution), a fee will probably need to be paid (for further information on this issue, please contact incoming@fe.up.pt).

As a free mover applicant, please follow the standard procedures in terms of deadlines, required documents, forms, etc.

PLEASE NOTE that neither our Faculty nor the University of Porto will provide any kind of financial support to incoming free mover students.

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Additional informations

This webpage directed to Mobility Students contains very specific information regarding the procedures for application and steps to take upon arrival. Additional information can be found in FEUP’s Admissions Portal. Don’t overlook the rest of the additional information which is equally valuable for the success of your stay in Porto and FEUP!

Academic Calendar
Language — Lectures and Courses
Portuguese Language Course
Orientation Days

Contact Details

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